Upcoming performances

Album release with Deutsche Grammophon and Anton Mejias
My 12 Preludes “The Art of Memory” releases March 28th, interwoven between J.S. Bach’s Well Tempered Clavier Book 2. Performed by the wonderful Anton Mejias.

Simone Dinnerstein performs Lasser’s 12 Variations on a Bach Chorale
Simone Dinnerstein performs Lasser’s 12 Variations on a Bach Chorale

World Premiere with New Amsterdam Singers
World premiere of Lasser’s La Signification des Lettres, a setting of 13th century French poems that follow the letters of the alphabet.

World Premiere with New Amsterdam Singers
World premiere of Lasser’s La Signification des Lettres, a setting of 13th century French poems that follow the letters of the alphabet.

Western New York Chamber Orchestra plays "A Mask in the Mirror"
Western New York Chamber Orchestra plays Lasser’s “A Mask in The Mirror”

Simone Dinnerstein performs Lasser’s 12 Variations on a Bach Chorale
Simone Dinnerstein performs Lasser’s 12 Variations on a Bach Chorale

Emmanuel Music Premiere "The Dinner Guests"
Emmanuel Music premieres Lasser’s Motet “The Dinner Guests”

Simone Dinnerstein performs Lasser’s 12 Variations on a Bach Chorale
Simone Dinnerstein performs Lasser’s 12 Variations on a Bach Chorale

Simone Dinnerstein performs Lasser’s 12 Variations on a Bach Chorale
Simone Dinnerstein performs Lasser’s 12 Variations on a Bach Chorale

Pianist Anton Mejias World Premiere
Pianist Anton Mejias will premiere in Mainz Germany Lasser’s French Suite along with Bach’s 6 French Suites